Current Research Projects & Information for Potential Ph.D. Students

Journal Articles in Progress

Gagnon, J. C., Barber, B. R., Gurel, S., Houchins, D. E., Lane, H., McCray, E., & Lambert, R. G. (in progress). A lag sequential analysis of instructional grouping and teacher supervision, and student engagement during reading instruction in a juvenile correctional facility.

Gagnon, J. C. (in progress). Finnish lower secondary special education teacher approaches to mathematics instruction.

Gagnon, J. C. (in progress). Leveraging the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to end the solitary confinement of youth with disabilities.

Gagnon, J. C., Howard, D. S., & Stewart, D. (in progress). National Disability Rights Network position statement on the provision of education and special education services in Federal Bureau of Prison facilities.

Gagnon, J. C., & Park, A. (in progress). Tier II/III behavioral and cognitive interventions in Finnish lower secondary school.

Book in Progress

Gagnon, J. C. (in progress). Practical Approaches to Providing Compliant Education and Special Education in Juvenile Corrections: A Guide for Administrators, Teachers, & Advocates

Joseph Gagnon

Joseph Gagnon

Chair and Professor
Department of Special Education

Office Phone: 561-297-3281
Office Location: ED-412
Campus: Boca